Training techniques on wing chun wooden dummy

There are forms and san sik that all Wing Chun techniques are derived. According to the lineage, the focus, content and intent of each form can have significant differences which can therefore have far-reaching implications. This also means that there are some different ideas about what constitutes progress in the curriculum from form to form, so a general description of overlap between different schools of thought is possible here.

San Sik (translated by separate forms) are compact in structure

Technical uncommitted Wing Chun techniques
Wing Chun techniques are involved. This means that if the technique fails to connect, the practitioner's position or balance is less affected. If the attack fails, the practitioner is able to "flow" easily in an attack monitoring. All Wing Chun techniques permit. Any punches or kicks can be strung together to form a "chain" of attacks. According to the theory of Wing Chun, these attacks, unlike a great attack, breaking the opponent gradually causing internal damage. Chained vertical punches are common identifier Wing Chun

How to know the origins of each Wing Chun techniques in each Wing Chun school  :by determining the specific objectives of the techniques that you can discern the origins of Wing Chun schools .

Wing Chun performing techniques:You need the technical scene gently through relaxation in a relaxed atmosphere, is fundamental to Wing Chun.
Unnecessary muscular tension wastes energy and causes fatigue.

Wing Chun techniques are generally "closed", with members drawn to protect the central area and also to maintain balance. In most cases, the hands do not move beyond the vertical circle that is described by swinging the arms forward, hands crossed at the wrists. To reach outside this area, footwork is used. Significant attention and time investment in training Chi Sao exercise emphasizes positioning to dominate this plant. The focus and keeps all point at or through the center of the intention to focus all physical and mental body to the objective one.

entry techniques of wing chun forms :
In the techniques closely: Wing Chun teaches practitioners to advance quickly and strike at point blank range. While the Wing Chun Kick can be considered a technical term, many Wing Chun practitioners practice

combination techniques :
which is a property of the shapes Sik San

Wing Chun techniques are derived from forms and San-Sik, which means that there are some different ideas about what constitutes progress in the curriculum from form to form, so a general description of overlap between different schools of thought is possible here.
The most often seen Wing Chun generally comprises six forms: three empty hand forms, a "wooden dummy" form, and form two arms.

Just train Wing Chun techniques and  Wing Chun strategies formulated without 'set' pattern.
see also about Wing chun martial arts techniques and training :
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