Learn shaolin black tiger shantung style kung fu

For many years the Chinese martial arts has been kept secret in the Shaolin Temple and can not be learned from the Chinese public as well as teach strangers from outside China.
I've seen the modern era after the onset of Bruce Lee films in the U.S. and Hong Kong films in the sixties revolution literally on the Chinese traditions that prevent non-Chinese to learn the martial arts of China.
This book truly is one of the jewels and the secrets of Chinese civilization, as it contains the secrets of the killer style of Kung Fu The black tiger style.

Shantung Black Tiger book, a Shaolin Fighting Art of North China
This was a martial arts book that I read in the 1970's. I think it is a good book considering the decade that it was written in but for today's more practical reader's and practitioners of the martial arts I am afraid it would fall short of expectations.
If you are a Chinese martial arts enthusiast you will enjoy this book for the written sections on background, history, and practice of this old style.

A wonderful book actually including contained therein clear images.
Detailed explanations of the Black Tiger style.Good arrangement and scientific images with text below each image shows how to carry out the movements and how to benefit from them.

Begins with an overview of the history as one of the Shaolin and arts of fighting in Northern China, which depends mainly on the legs kicked.

shantung kung fu style book

Contains a part teach you how to use the techniques of The black tiger positions in self-defense true situations.
Applications very new way to use the kicking and punching the way the northern tiger kung fu using the graphics are clear and precise as to how to perform the movements and stances.

The book includes teaching you how to use what is listed as applications, in other words, how to exercise applications on the dummy fighting, for example, and how to the exercises yourself without the help of one and how to practicing on the applications of the fighting by using movements and stances The black tiger with a partner to increase your understanding of the techniques and speed application in any position of real fight.

With a strong piece explaining brief and does not contain nonsense unnecessary.
With the book provides a brief explanation, but the book contains details of how to perform
a satisfactory techniques in The black tiger combat situations.
Which offers a very in-depth study to learn the style of black Tiger as of Shaolin without
a teacher at home easily.

This book presents an interesting form from a style not seen much in the U.S. or outside of
China. Donn Draeger learned this standard Shantung Kuntao form from Master Khiong in return
for teaching him Kusarigame Jutsu (chain-and-sickle fighting)when he was researching
material for his book,The Weapons and Fighting Arts of Indonesia.This book is an excellent
reference of the complete techniques of this style.Traditionally the study of Kunato is
banned by the Indonesian Government and few of non-Chinese blood ever get to learn it or
for that matter see it performed,so the fact that a system is presented in such detail in
book form is an achievement in itself.

Disadvantages of :
The only problem lies in the line drawings. While they're generally pretty good, some of
them do NOT make clear how the stance/strike is performed, which makes things confusing
when you get to the photos. The balancing stance drawings, for example, don't show the
hands exactly as they're supposed to be (refer to the first practical application in
chapter five for the actual positions.) .

The book in overall has very strong explanations which will benefit beginners and old practitioners at all.

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