Buy Knife Fight Techniques "Step by Step guide"

A complete guide from how to choose the knife type until how to perform the right skill on any situation.

Michael Janich knows knife fighting. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Janich recently and I was instantly impressed with his unassuming manner. But don't be fooled by it. He knows the fighting arts and he is a true master of the blade.
I am also a big fan of his Fighting Folder video series. Unlike many martial artists who use the video format to show off their skill, Mr. Janich refrains from such childish behavior and gives the viewer a solid presentation on how to choose a blade, carry it, and draw it as quickly as possible. I saw him draw his knife in person and I can tell you that his skill and his speed are incredible.

While there is useful info within the pages of Michael Janich's book, I personally found it to be a big letdown, based simply on his claims regarding one of the foundations of knife combat--i.e., proper grip. After inaccurately criticizing the "saber grip" (which is, in fact, used in many knife systems around the world, including the Filipino arts which Mr. Janich professes to be "proficient" at), the author introduces us to the ludicrous grip he refers to as the "Filipino grip", where the knife is held only by the 4 fingers, and not the thumb! Considering that the thumb is responsible for at least 45% of one's grip on a knife, one has to wonder what Mr. Janich was thinking, when he decided to advocate such a weak grip. Even more ironic is the fact that Mr. Janich himself can be seen in many of the photographs in his book, reverting back to the more practical "saber grip" and sometimes also to the "natural grip" (aka the "hammer grip").

Janich tries to validate the use of this so-called "Filipino grip" by talking about "established neuromuscular pathways", but his reasoning is easily blown out of the water by anyone employing plain old common sense.

the Author

Michael D. Janich is one of the foremost modern authorities on handgun point shooting and one of the few contemporary instructors to have personally trained with the late close-combat legend Col. Rex Applegate. In addition to making his own martial arts equipment, noted martial arts author and instructor Michael Janich has designed and engineered everything from blowguns to knives, including the highly acclaimed Masters of Defense Tempest folding knife.

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