Taekwondo online Forms, Kicks ,Patterns ,Poomse

martial arts school of taekwondo:
this is original Martial Art not a mixed martial art
this word may be written as :
tae kwon do
tae kwon doe
tae kwondo
taekwon do
tai kwon do

History of taekwondo
Because of the history of the game to about 2000 BC, when Korea was a center for some tribes, groups and were firing on the popular game (the Eungo) and (Maclad), was just a dance-like movements, rhythm, even the tribes began to turn to fishing and agriculture, history of taekwondo,taekwondo patterns,taekwondo poomse,3rd wtf world taekwondo poomsae championshipswhich led to the exit to the mountains and forests spread was hit by sudden attacks of the tribes of animals scientifically they invented style of engagement with the animal and self-defense and shot him (Martial Art- Tae Kwon Do) and then the game has evolved from the movements to form the primitive technique that has become popular sport in Korea, after offering about 700 troops from the Korean Tae Kwon Do practitioners to fight the invaders and succeeded in created the Republic of Korea, when in 1948 the game has evolved and spread to the extent that the popularity of karate competition, but there is a difference between the two games, although the idea of approximately one in terms of locomotor performance in the attack, the sudden rapid, defense, strengthening the body's natural weapons training by the striking of solids such as wood and bricks to make sure the power and effectiveness of the strikes.

Tae Kwon Do Vs karate player
But the player is on the Tae Kwon Do karate player that uses his feet morehistory of taekwondo,taekwondo patterns,taekwondo poomse,3rd wtf world taekwondo poomsae championships than his hand in the strikes and was very interested in the destruction of parts of the body component of the discount. The difference is not the only, but also in dynamic groups called (Bo Shah).

taekwondo techniques of Matches and championships
Match consists of three rounds each round of two minutes to two minutes rest and the result calculated by knockout or points, and allowed the beatings to the head, and attack from behind and finally prohibited the use of a hand in punches to the face while allowing the guidance hand punches to the body of the adversary, It is permissible to use the feet to strike anywhere in the upper part of the body, even as the adversary, but must be controlled by the player to beat him to stop before hitting the discount .. Even if the touch should not be influential in order to protect the competitors.

Taekwondo Union and black belt taekwondo
The International Federation of korean Taikondo in 1971 AD in the cityhistory of taekwondo,taekwondo patterns,taekwondo poomse,3rd wtf world taekwondo poomsae championships of Seoul, capital of Korea and includes 17 countries and organizes the World Championships of tae kwon do every two years. And all the principles of Tae Kwon Do to prevent players from taking advantage of this art in the clashes, no matter what the personal reasons why it is very dangerous sports and MARTIAL ARTS.

Soon we will discussing :

taekwondo academies
taekwondo forms
taekwondo karate differentiation
taekwondo kicks
taekwondo masters
taekwondo patterns
taekwondo poomse
taekwondo sparring
taekwondo techniques
taekwondo uniforms
black belt taekwondo
be continues .......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A wager is a fool's argument.

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