taichi martial art & Health improvement

3 - Sports of Taiche and treatment techniques :

Perhaps dating back to more than 400 years as a method of warfare for the defense and the ancient Chinese legend says that when he was a monk (Zhang Feng) sitting in the temple in a some nights reflect the assets of Taoist philosophy, the same view in the high altitude clouds coalescing around him and saw the white in the middle of an old man or an angel elderly trained to defend against evil and to maintain the physical fitness and prolong life .. Asked him to inform him of these movements According to this art and knowledge. After he woke up the dream of the monk began to train these movements, as he knew the old owners and then began to train other students.

The legend, if this can only demonstrate the close relationship between the assets and Taiche Taoist philosophy, therefore, spread the sport in China, where it was practiced in the context of a family through the village (Chngiaco) north-west province of China, a circumcision at the beginning of the seventeenth century AD, to the extent that the percentage of practitioners of the sport about 80% of the number of people .. Then, after the military commander that (Chen Dang) and settled in this village after retirement and began to exercise and develop the sport and perhaps assisted by some monks in the Shaolin Temple.

Overall, the sport suitable for both sexes and young girlstaichi medical forms ,international medical taichi forms,self defense by taichi ,expert forms 2 (women martial arts), as well as older types also .. He says those who engage in sports Taiche it helps to recover from some chronic and incurable diseases such as severe irritability and nervous tension and inflammation of the digestive glands and TB (tuberculosis), arthritis, rheumatism, diabetes .. The expert says the Chinese (Chen Xiao) for the sport whenever he reached the height of the individual Taiche able to feel the rush and flow of vital blood in his body to gain strength and feel great reactions directly, but the way to full skilled remains difficult.

This sport requires

a focused, physically and mentally to be breathing a deep and smooth as a regular benefit in the further revitalization of the central nervous system and internal organs and help to lightness and flexibility of muscles and joints and motor diligent performance of the individual, without stress ..
taichi medical forms ,international medical taichi forms,self defense by taichi ,expert forms 3 All of these are known to the Chinese theory (Yen - Yang) any positive and negative. Movement and tranquility, relaxation and contraction of truth and fiction .. The sport combines the spirit, mind and body, strength, flexibility and fitness and also calm and violence.

Well as the movements of Taiche
are smooth and softy and slow in performance and therefore are very useful and appropriate for women and the Senate side of boys and men .. The basic principles of sport to those different conditions of hand and foot gathered their interactions such as joint control, accuracy and flexibility, continuity and expression used in the motor performance of some tools, such as stick and the sword and spear, and so on.

Group dynamics (forms) and the international festival: --

Experts worked on the division of sports of Taiche kinetic forms into three groups to make specific, such as the first group consists of 24 units and the mobility of the second containing 48 units and the dynamics of the third group, consisting of 88 movement, taichi medical forms ,international medical taichi forms,self defense by taichi ,expert formsand the purpose of this qualitative division of the movements is to facilitate the training process of these movements and perfecting the performance motor in order to help young people understand the facts and the fundamentals of the sport and quickly spread among the masses.

The festival of Taiche

is held in China in April of each year and will last for 5 days has participated in the Festival in 1984 more than 21 countries elected by the most important of Canada and the USA, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and others. Participated in this festival a lot of players over the age of 70 or 80 years .. But their movements were agile and skills with the utmost precision and strength, flexibility and relay floating in the sky and floods the current flowing.

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